How Long Does It Take To Level A Mobile Home ?

how long to level

If you’ve just bought a mobile home and discovered that it’s not sitting level on the ground, you’re going to want to get it leveled as soon as possible. This is a process called “releveling,” and it’s something that needs to be done occasionally on mobile homes.

This blog post will discuss how long the job normally takes, what needs to be done beforehand, and some of the benefits of getting your mobile home leveled.

When you get quotes from different releveling contractors, ask them how long the job will take. A good contractor will be able to give you a timeline for the work.

The actual releveling job can usually be done in a day. But, depending on the severity of the situation, it might take two days. The contractor must also account for putting everything back as it was.

Asking for a timeline is a good way to gauge how professional the contractor is. A reputable contractor will be able to give you a detailed timeline for the work.

How long the job takes depends on the size and weight of your mobile home.

Some other factors do come into play:

What Type of Skirting Do You Have Installed?

  • Standard white vinyl skirting is easy to work with and replace.
  • Lap skirting can’t be easily removed for access.
  • Split block can be down-stacked and replaced but that takes time.
  • Mortared block or stucco skirting are the most awkward to deal with. They cannot be removed and rely on access panels.

Limited Access Panels.

In order to get easy access to the foundation and piers you need at least 2 access panels in solid skirting. We need to be able to freely move tools and materials around under the home.  Removable panels will also let in much-needed light.

Flooded Foundation Pad.

If there is water standing under your home it may be necessary for us to locate the leak and fix it before stating the relevel. Rainwater or water leaks are not so bad but sewer leaks will need to be addressed.

Size of the Mobile Home – 76 ft vs 36 ft.

A smaller mobile home can be leveled in as little as four hours while a larger one could take up to eight. 

Bigger houses do take more time to level correctly.

Once they have done that, they will start working on the home until it is level. After that, they will secure the home in its new position and make sure everything is put back the way it was. 

Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule; some jobs may take longer than others. 

If you need mobile home releveling services, be sure to contact a reputable and experienced company like ours here at Level My Mobile Home. We have been in the business for 23 years and have completed thousands of releveling jobs.

We would be happy to help you get your mobile home back to its original level.

Contact us today for a free quote!

Call  863 808 2200