Installing A Septic System | Septic Tank and Drain field.

Installing A Septic Systems

Installing a septic system.

In my experience and opinion if there is going to be a hold-up in the mobile home installation process it is most likely to be with environmental health.

The homeowner may think that it is possible to install their new mobile home in 2-4 weeks onto vacant land but the process in some areas can be quite lengthy.
In most cases, local authorities will not issue an installation permit until they receive clearance from the governing health authority and in some cases, this can take months.

The actual waste disposal considerations for mobile homes are the same issues that face contractors building conventional site-built homes. However, there are special circumstances that apply to mobile homes placed on private land.

In the state of Florida the Department of Environmental Health and not the building department at the local government offices that has authority over the relevant codes and statutes.

septic system drain-field

Sewer Systems in Cities, Counties, or Registered Mobile Home Parks.

If a piece of land or old Park lot has access to the conventional sewer system then the connection is a fairly simple process that can be carried out by the mobile home installer. The plumbing permit is pulled as part of the installation permit.

The pipes under the home are connected then they are suspended from the home by galvanized or plastic straps. After passing through a clean out the pipe is connected to the existing system.
The contractor will ensure the necessary drop on the pipe is to code.

New Septic Tank and Drain field System.

When dealing with vacant land which has not been lived on previously it is essential to start the health department process as soon as possible to prevent unwanted delays. The health department will do a perk test to determine the flood level and a sewer system permit will be issued to the septic tank contractor who will then install the tank and drain field.

Sometimes the drain field will be high and above the ground, the health department will give the actual height of the field and cover dimensions.

In this situation some residents elect to use a sump pump to mechanically raise the water to the correct septic tank height. Doing this will give the correct drop to the pipe system without the need to raise the home above normal levels.

Must Read: How To Use A Water Level On Home Projects – Full Instructions.


Overview of the general steps involved in the installation process.


Step Description
Site Evaluation – Evaluate the site to determine soil type, water table, and topography
– Check for any obstacles that may hinder installation
– Obtain necessary permits and approvals from the local health department and other regulatory entities
Excavation – Excavate the site for the septic tank and drain field
– Ensure that the excavation is deep enough to allow for proper drainage and to comply with local regulations
Septic Tank Installation – Install the septic tank in the excavated area
– Ensure that the tank is level and that it is installed according to the manufacturer’s specifications
– Connect the inlet and outlet pipes to the tank
Drain Field Installation – Install the drain field in the excavated area
– Lay the perforated pipes in trenches filled with gravel
– Cover the pipes with a layer of soil and install a layer of geotextile fabric on top to prevent soil from clogging the pipes
Distribution Box Installation – Install a distribution box between the septic tank and the drain field to evenly distribute effluent to each pipe in the drain field
Final Connections – Connect the septic tank outlet to the distribution box inlet
– Connect the distribution box outlet to the drain field inlet
Backfilling and Compaction – Backfill the excavated area with soil
– Ensure that the soil is properly compacted to prevent settling
Final Inspection – Schedule a final inspection with the local health department or other regulatory entities
– Ensure that all installation requirements and regulations have been met
– Obtain approval for the septic tank and drain field installation

This table provides a general overview of the steps involved in septic tank and drain field installation. Specific installation requirements may vary depending on local regulations and site conditions. It is important to consult with a licensed professional for guidance and assistance throughout the installation process.

Existing  Septic Tank and Drain field.

It is said to be ‘grandfathered in’ when an old mobile home currently sits on land with a septic tank and drain field system, which means that the system is ok even if it’s not up to current code. The mobile home can remain in use as long as nothing is changed.

If the department of environmental health removes the old house, they reserve the right to inspect the system before issuing a new building permit. They can also demand a new tank, new or bigger drain field, or both.

If the old house is replaced by a new home with more bedrooms, the department may also demand an increase in tank size and an extension of the drain field. This is because more people in the home equate to more of a load on the existing system.

The contractor should include an estimate of these costs in any estimate or contract signed by the parties because these added costs, which can be substantial, can be a big shock to the new homeowner if they haven’t been previously discussed.

The homeowner will need to pay the extra money. However, without adequate communication, this can be a tricky situation.

Also Check: How To Make A Water Level – Easy Instructions For Homeowners.

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